Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So it turns out that...

that when I stubbed my toe last week, I fractured the bone. =( =(

To be honest, this weekend was filled with pain, and honestly, I don't know how I did what I did with my toe in the condition it was in. I still went to Youth Group on Saturday (although I did take 2 painkillers before going, which was a mistake to begin with as I didn't realize how drowsy it makes you and I drove myself there), and on Sunday, I went to the Steven Curtis Chapman at the Nokia Theathre in NY. When I wasn't praising God (concert was awesome btw), I was sitting in my chair wincing at the pain. :P I thought my leg was going to give while I was walking to the threater lol.

Monday was also horrendous, as I worked a full 10hr day, and basically just dropped when I got home. Ate dinner, took my meds, and just lied in bed.

Sorry to bog you all down with my pain. :P On the bright side, today I'm doing much better, and even though it still hurts with every step, the pain is much less, and when I came home today I wasn't nearly as tired as yesterday. :)

Thanks for the prayers! :D

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