Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Resurrecting this blog for...

like the 10th time. :)   Let's see how long I can keep this blog going.

So, lots of stuff has happened since last time I posted.  I went to Spain for a couple of weeks, work is a lot more hectic (but interesting), which of course leads to quite a few travels; some to fun places (LA), others to not so fun (Arkansas).  

I think the reason I have trouble keeping the blog going is that I just kind of ramble on, and I don't think you guys just want to hear me to do that.  I need to think of some type of theme/idea.

I'm pretty resourceful, so it'll come to me.  Of course, if you have any ideas, feel free to comment! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It Sure Has Been A Long Time...

Since I've done a real post to this blog. In my defense, I was busy making my website:

Check it out!

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

New website

So, I have been working on my new website, check it out!

I'm almost done with the Spain portion, so stay tuned!

Monday, September 22, 2008

First International Post!

Hey all,

Just wishing everyone well all the way from Spain! There is an internet cafe near the apartment we were staying in Madrid, and since we are killing some time before we head off to Granada, I thought I would pop in and say hi.

Trip has been awesome so far. Been able to see so much, as well as learn quite a bit about Spain. I´ve taken loads of pictures so far (about 450), and we still have Granda + Barcelona to go. Once I get back home, I´ll start sorting the pictures and make a website simliar to what I did for my Montana trip to the Crazy Mountain Ranch.

Well, my internet time is almost up, so I´ll end it here. See you all when I get back!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Four Day Weekends...

Are always fun :). Tomorrow is my SDO, and of no work Monday bc of Labor Day.

Things have been going well, a little less hectic now that I'm not doing back to back travel. This weekend should be a blast, as I'll be going to both days of Revelation Generation ( Best of all will be Friday with Chris Tomlin, which I can't wait for. I'm bringing my camera, so I'll be sure to post some pics of the event. I'm also volunteering for STAR 99.1 so look for me at their table from 11-1 and 3-5!

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