Saturday, April 26, 2008

Celebrating Naomi's 1st Birthday

Naomi, my cousin, turned 1 year old yesterday. The big party is next Sunday but Alex + Veronica invited us over for a little party.  As you can see, she is adorable.  :D

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hard at work doing...

The sound system at church for choir practice. I usually sing, but the guy who normally does it couldn't be here today.

On the plus side it lets me work on modernizing my church by putting all our songs in iTunes so we can finally stop having 100's of CD's lol. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So it turns out that...

that when I stubbed my toe last week, I fractured the bone. =( =(

To be honest, this weekend was filled with pain, and honestly, I don't know how I did what I did with my toe in the condition it was in. I still went to Youth Group on Saturday (although I did take 2 painkillers before going, which was a mistake to begin with as I didn't realize how drowsy it makes you and I drove myself there), and on Sunday, I went to the Steven Curtis Chapman at the Nokia Theathre in NY. When I wasn't praising God (concert was awesome btw), I was sitting in my chair wincing at the pain. :P I thought my leg was going to give while I was walking to the threater lol.

Monday was also horrendous, as I worked a full 10hr day, and basically just dropped when I got home. Ate dinner, took my meds, and just lied in bed.

Sorry to bog you all down with my pain. :P On the bright side, today I'm doing much better, and even though it still hurts with every step, the pain is much less, and when I came home today I wasn't nearly as tired as yesterday. :)

Thanks for the prayers! :D

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pain Sucks

Hey all,

Well, the last couple of days have been sucky. I sprained my toe on Tuesday while helping to move around some furniture to pain the room, and lo and behold on Wednesday it was swollen and pretty nasty looking (I'll spare you by not taking a picture of it... lol). Hurts to even walk, and forget wearing sneakers for more than 15minutes before the throbbing pain is unbearable. I have an appointment tomorrow, so hopefully he'll be able to fix it so I can walk and not limp with every step. :\

Pray for me that it will get better. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Just in case you thought I forgot about this blog....

I didn't. :P Just been really busy with work and such (always happens when you go away on trips.). Also been trying to get things more organized, especially my finances. I hired a financial planner yesterday, so looking forward to working with him to try and plan for the future.

Last Saturday, I went to the first youth group service in about 4 years. For those that have known me for a while, I was a youth leader for about 6-7 years, and led my church's youth group until I moved to MA for school. While I was gone, due to some circumstances and other youth moving for college, the group dwindled down and died. I toyed with the idea of starting back up the youth group when I came back in summer of 2007, but it just isn't feasible right now, as we really have only like 4 youth in the 13-20 range. There are quite a bit of younger kids (5-9), so maybe down the line the group can be resurrected.

The youth group was in our sister church, Central Baptist Church, who we used to do join youth group events back in the day. It is a decent size group (about 12-13), and during the service, I felt a sense of nostalgia. Youth group used to be a big part of my life, and there are so many memories from that time.

This upcoming Sunday is kind of exciting. One of my "projects" for church has been to introduce contemporary Christian Music into the worship service to try and break the mold of singing the same old songs over and over. However, the caveat to it is that my church service is in Spanish, so any song I bring I have to translate, and boy, is it difficult to make the lyrics simliar to the original artist while making it sound decent with the melody. The first song I introduced was Christ Tomlin's How Great Is Our God, which turned out to be a huge success. I had people asking me to make copies of the song so they could hear it at home.

This Sunday we will be introducing Aaron Shust's My Savior, My God, personally one of my favorite songs. Pray that all goes well! :)