Monday, March 24, 2008

First "On-The-Road" Blog


Well, I really meant to write a new entry over the weekend, but with it being Easter weekend, my good friend Carla being in town, and getting ready for a trip for work, didn't leave too much free time.

Speaking of which, I am posting this from LA...

Well, not LA the city, but LA the state. :P I'm here in Leesville, LA for work stuff, and while waiting for my friend Nish to get ready so we can go eat, I figured I'd toss an update on here.

I have some pictures from the weekend to put up once I get back to NJ. Most of the pics are from Easter Sunday, where our church choir did a concert that turned out very well. In the near future, maybe I'll be able to put up some audio/video, once I finish working on my church website so I can host the files from there.

So much stuff to do, not enough time to do it. :(

- Dan

EDIT: Apparently you can upload videos to blogger. Go figure. Maybe I'll post the Choir Christmas Concert video montage I made for your enjoyment. :)

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