Friday, May 30, 2008

New Laptop!

I was tired of dealing with my old laptop, which has had so many problems I can't even count (at one point my laptop would just shut off if you tapped it too hard). Now that I am a member of the workforce with an income, decided to treat myself to a Macbook Pro! :) It came in today and was only able to fool around with it for a bit before heading go choir, but so far it is pretty cool. Just gotta spend some time setting it up.

Work is going well, just been busy with work. I was on TDY the last 2 weeks, which resulted in about 500 emails to check when I got back to work :p. I think I'm all caught up, though next week will probably be quite busy.

Well let me get back to singing!

See ya!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hey, sorry for the lack of...

posts, but things have been quite hectic lately. I was on TDY all last week in Graham, KY, and this upcoming week I will be gone on another TDY, so basically haven't been home at all. :P

I'm of to a wedding, so I have to keep this short and sweet, but I promise this time I will update on a more frequent basis. :P

See ya!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Just did my 1st...

Sunday School class ever. :p. I've taught before for Youth Group, and I was a TA for a semester at MIT, but it is always a little unerving teaching.

The class was about how to honor and please God during conflicts. I'll post the details and major points I made when I get home.