Thursday, August 28, 2008

Four Day Weekends...

Are always fun :). Tomorrow is my SDO, and of no work Monday bc of Labor Day.

Things have been going well, a little less hectic now that I'm not doing back to back travel. This weekend should be a blast, as I'll be going to both days of Revelation Generation ( Best of all will be Friday with Chris Tomlin, which I can't wait for. I'm bringing my camera, so I'll be sure to post some pics of the event. I'm also volunteering for STAR 99.1 so look for me at their table from 11-1 and 3-5!

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

At The Airport In...

Minneapolis/St. Paul waiting for my flight to Bozeman Airport in Montana. They say cell phones won't work there, so I'll update you guys when I get back!

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Friday, August 15, 2008

As Usual, When You Go To The Mall...

You end up spending 3x the amount you were planning on, heh. Since I've been busy with work and travel, I usually don't go to the mall that much anymore, so I guess it's ok.

I actually have to pack when I get home, as I'm heading off with my cousin Zasha tomorrow to Crazy Mountain Ranch in Montana. She won a all expense paid trip for her and 1 guest, and she invited me to come along. On the agenda is whitewater rafting, hiking in Yosemite, offroading, and other events. Sounds like a lot of fun, I'll report back and post some pics (which my blog desperately needs, according to some ppl).

See you all when I get back!

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Airlines Suck

Airlines really need to stop delaying flights for 6hrs without giving any sort of food/drink/compensation. UGH

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Being Stranded In Airports...

Sucks... A lot. I "involuntairly" (i.e got booted) gave up my seat bc they overbooked, so they switched me to another airline flight 3.5hrs later. Finally on board that one. Should reach Ontario, CA by 6:15pm. Here's hoping...

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Live Action Shot

On My Way To Ironbound

Well, I downloaded this Lifecast app, and I wanted to check it out. I also synced it with my blogger, so this might be a way to update my blog on a more consistent basis.

For my 1st entry, I'm on my way to Newark, NJ to what is known as the Ironbound section, which is where there are loads of Portugese restaurants. My cousin Amado is visiting, so we're heading out to eat + nightly activities. Haven't gone out in a while because I've been traveling so much, so should be cool.

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